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Events in Jerusalem

Tu Bishvat at the Botanical Gardens (January 22 and 26, 2013)

Tu Bishvat at the Botanical Gardens (January 22 and 26, 2013) at 26.01.2013

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Saturday jan 26th

Tu Bishvat at the Botanical Gardens (January 22 and 26, 2013)

The Botanical Gardens is the perfect place to celebrate the new year for the trees. On election day and on Tu Bishvat, head down to the Botanical Gardens to vote for your favorite tree on a democratic journey in the gardens.

The event will take place twice:
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 (Election Day)
Saturday, January 26, 2013 (Tu Bishvat)

On a guided tour, learn more about the trees and choose between the olive tree, oak tree, eucalyptus, and others. Then, go vote at the garden voting station. The results will be posted on the Gardens' Facebook page. After voting, visitors are invited to participate in planting activities in the flower carpet.

All activities are included in the regular entrance fee.


*Guided tours every hour on the hour from 10:00-15:00 (in Hebrew, duration: 1.5 hours)

*Planting in the flower carpet from 10:00-16:00 (planting on election day only, there will be no planting on Saturday)

For group orders ONLY call the reservations department: 073-2438914


Yehuda Burla Street


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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