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Events in Jerusalem

The Magical World of Chasidic Melodies: The Wandering Jew from Galicia

at 05.10.2011

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Wednesday oct 5th

Beit Avi Chai presents "The Magical World of Chasidic Melodies": The Wandering Jew from Galicia.

~ Wednesday, October 5, 8:30 PM

Legends, wonders, and melodies from the courts of Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sassov, Rabbi Hayyim of Sanz, Rabbi Elimelech, Rabbi Zusha, and others.

A premiere featuring members of the Halev Vehamaayan ensemble and the Raanana Symphonette String Quartet

Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot, narrator
Members of the Halev Vehamaayan quintet:
Naor Carmi, double bass
Yechiel (Chilik) Frank, clarinet
Ariel Alayev, accordion

The Raanana Symphonette String Quartet

Arrangements for string: David Zebba

Producer: Naor Carmi

Admission: 60 NIS, students: 20 NIS

BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard; warm attire recommended


King George St. 44

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