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Events in Jerusalem

Singing Malavsky

at 12.09.2011

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Monday sep 12th

Beit Avi Chai presents Singing Malavsky: A tribute to the renowned Cantor.

~ Monday, September 12, 8:30 PM

The Cantor Samuel Malavsky was a legend in his own time. He performed with his sons and daughters in concert halls and theatres and brought the gift of the cantorial art to all strata of the people.

An evening devoted to Malavsky's musical heritage, with his greatest hits, including "Haben yaqir li," "Hayom te'amtsenu," "Yedid Nefesh," and "Kevodo Malé Olam."

With: Cantor/singer Israel Rand / Cantor /singer Adi Arad / Cantor Eric Wohlheim / The chamber ensemble of the Israel Sinfonietta Beersheva / The "Singing Malavsky" Choir

Musical director and conductor: Dr. Mordechai Sobol

Producer: Ophir Sobol

Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 20

BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard; warm attire recommended


King George St. 44

Near Singing Malavsky

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