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Events in Jerusalem

The Magical World of the Hassidic Niggun

at 29.08.2011

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Monday aug 29th

Melodies from the Mountain: Meron niggunim

Monday, August 29, 20:30

Meron niggunim, which originated in the Galilee, integrates Eastern European Hassidic music, melodies that originate from the Yiddish theatre, and gypsy melodies (from Romania, Moldavia, and the Balkans), along with influences from Galilean Druze music (debka). These niggunim are sung until this day on Lag Ba-omer when groups go up to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai's grave. 

The The Heart and the Wellspring ensemble presents Meron niggunim in a unique performance.

Members of the ensemble include:

Naor Carmi: musical producer and contrabass; Chilik Frank, clarinet; Ariel Alaev, accordion; Oren Tsor, violin;

With: Mussa Berlin, clarinet; Gershon Weisserfirer, oud; Avraham Agababa, percussion

Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 20
The concert will take place in the BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard.

* Warm attire is recommended


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near The Magical World of the Hassidic Niggun

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