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Events in Jerusalem

Timba Talmud: The Roberto Juan Rodriguez Septet

at 18.08.2011

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Thursday aug 18th

Roberto Juan Rodriguez, the virtuoso percussionist and drummer, is one of the most sought-after drummers in the world (having played with Paul Simon, Jo Jackson, Morris al Madyuni, Paquito d'Rivera, Marc Ribot and others). He is a rare musician who integrates classical Cuban music with Kleizmer and Andalusian music. On August 18th at 20:30, he combines original music, hot Cuban beats, and Jewish melodies in a thrilling performance.

The Roberto Juan Rodriguez Septet:

Roberto Juan Rodriguez (Cuba and USA), drums, vocal; Gilad Harel (Israel), clarinet; Jonathan Keren (USA), violin; Vitali Podolsky (Israel), accordion; Itay Abramovitz (Israel), piano and organ; Mickey Warshai (Israel), bass; Amir Pinto (Israel), percussion and vocals; Barak Weiss, musical director

Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 20 .
The concert will take place in the BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard.

* Warm attire is recommended


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Timba Talmud: The Roberto Juan Rodriguez Septet

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