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Events in Jerusalem

Adon Ha-Selichot at Beit Avi Chai

at 17.08.2011

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Wednesday aug 17th

Jewish Gospel and Music from Prayers
Wednesday, August 17, 20:30

For the first time ever, the stirring gospel spirit joins synagogue melodies in a new concert full of a variety of ethnic groups and Jewish cultural traditions-combining gospel and jazz with piyyutim, Jewish prayer, and Israeli music. Songs and prayers in the show include: Adon Ha-Selichot, A'aroch Me-Halel Nivi, Adon Olam, and Shir Ha-Ma'a lot.


Sixteen musicians, in a remarkable ensemble, accompany Iris and Ofer Portugaly:


The choir has ten vocalists and is accompanied by an oud, cello, piano, contrabass, guitars, Baroque recorders, ethnic percussion, and drums.

* A joint production with the Givatayim Theatre
Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 20

The concert will take place in the BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard.
* Warm attire is recommended


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Adon Ha-Selichot at Beit Avi Chai

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