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Events in Jerusalem

Music on Mondays at Beit Avi Chai

at 06.06.2011

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Monday jun 6th

For four Monday nights in June, Beit Avi Chai presents "Music on Mondays":  Israeli music, Jewish music, and the difference between them.



Monday, June 6, 21:00

The Reggaestan band was founded in Jerusalem's Nahlaot neighborhood in 2005. After five years of musical camaraderie, gathering materials, and putting out their first album, produced by Kobi Oz, the band offers a show that draws on reggae, hip-hop, and rock, with the most Israeli results possible.
Tom Waisman, vocals; Omer Kidron, vocals; Nadav Matalon, percussion and special effects; Yohai Muki Netzer, guitar and special effects; Tomer Baruch, keyboards; Ziv Teller, bass and special effects; Amit Kaminer, drums.


Admission: NIS 50; students NIS 20, Standing room only

Idan Haviv
Monday, June 13, 21:00

When he traveled in South America, Idan handed out discs with songs that he wrote.  As a result of the enthusiastic reactions and his falling in love with the field, he released his debut album, A Little at a Time. The songs he will sing include two singles that made it to the radio, "Thin Fingers" and "There's No Room Here."
Gilad Shmueli, drums; Ariel Tuchman, electric guitar

Admission: NIS 50; students NIS 20, Seating available.

Monday, June 20, 21:00

Members of the Bots band have been active on the musical scene, in various ensembles, for more than a decade. They are currently performing all over Israel before the release of their debut album, which offers vibrant minimalist music that touches almost all issues of an individual's struggles.

Yotam Shechter, vocals, keyboards, and sound; Rotem Az - Ogen, drums; Guy Eliyahu, guitars; Gil Avidan Kasner, bass

Admission: NIS 20, * Seating available.

Talya Eliav
Monday, June 27, 21:00

Talia is a singer, pianist, and composer, a rare performer with a style ranging from cabaret to rock and soul. Her voice sails from soft, soothing songs to powerful and forceful songs. In this show she will include works from both of her albums, Movement and The Memory Code.

Talya Eliav, vocals and piano; Shai Lowenstein, guitars; Boris Martzinovsky, accordion; Oded Shechter, bass and computer; Karen Phenpimon, drums

Admission: NIS 40; students: NIS 20, Seating available.


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

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