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Events in Jerusalem

Sounds of the Golden Age

at 08.03.2011

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Tuesday mar 8th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Sounds of the Golden Age" (back by popular demand).

Ladino songs and medieval dance music

Tuesday, March 8, 8:30 PM

The Golden Age was a time of rich, flourishing culture in the Iberian Peninsula, with cross-fertilization among Jews, Muslims, and Christians.

This flourishing was manifested in the glorious tradition of Ladino songs that the Jews of Spain have carried with them for centuries, as well as in the virtuoso estampie dances of that period of the Middle Ages.

A special evening combining old and new, original arrangements and contemporary performances of music hundreds of years old.

With Esti Kenan, vocals; Yaela Avital, vocals; Yael Melzer, recorders; Michael Melzer, recorders; Louis Khleifi, oud; Rali Margalit, ethnic cello; Hagai Bilitzky, double bass; Oren Fried, percussion

Musical director: Michael Melzer


King George St. 44

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