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Events in Jerusalem

Ad Adei Ad: A New Show by Peretz Eliyahu

at 17.06.2010

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Thursday jun 17th

The Confederation House presents "Ad Adei Ad": a new show by Peretz Eliyahu.
The show was put together based on texts from Sefer Hayetzira, a mystic book on the creation of the world, and one of the pillars of the Kabbala. At the show, other pieces by Peretz Eliyahu will be performed as well, from ancient music to modern, as well as pieces by his son, Mark Eliyahu. The show is an emotional hymn to the creation from the days of the creation until forever, first seen on stage at last year's Oud Festival, at which it was met with much praise by music lovers and critics.

With: Peretz Eliyahu: tar and composition | Mark Eliyahu: kamancha, composition, and musical direction | Gil Hameiri: percussion | Nissim Lugassi: vocals | Guest singer: Esti Keinan Ofri | Musical production and coordination: Larissa Eliyahu


Emile Botta St. 12

Near Ad Adei Ad: A New Show by Peretz Eliyahu

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