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Events in Jerusalem

Persian Spirit

at 16.06.2010

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Wednesday jun 16th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Persian Spirit": A musical and theatrical celebration of Persian music, by composer Shaul Bustan, based on classic Persian folktales and songs. With Liraz Charhi.

Part 1: King Bahram Gur and His Beautiful Maidservant
Original musical theater based on a Persian folktale in the spirit of the Shahnameh*

Part 2: Songs of Persia
Liraz Charhi with old and new arrangements of Persian songs, accompanied by the Avgar Ensemble

Shaul Bustan, music and arrangements, conducting and Persian tar
Liraz Charhi, vocals and acting
Shir Shinar, narration and acting
Eitan Refua, zarb

Avgar Ensemble:
Jonathan Greenberg and Hila Lifshitz, violin
Daniel Tanchelson, viola
Igor Tankevich, cello
Ehud Ettun, double bass
Keren Mugdus, flute

Academic advisor: Orly Rahimian

* The national epic of the Persian-speaking world, written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi around the year 1000

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44

Near Persian Spirit

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