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Events in Jerusalem

Tel Aviv-New York: Omri Mor Trio: Andalujazz

at 23.06.2010

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Wednesday jun 23rd

Beit Avi Chai presents "Tel Aviv-New York -- Authentic jazz with a touch of the Mediterranean"

Top Israeli jazz musicians who live and work in New York come to BEIT AVI CHAI for a concert series blending East and West, piyyut and percussion, and uncover a fascinating connection between the Mediterranean side of Israel and traditional jazz.
Artistic director: Amit Golan
Producer: Suri Drucker

Omri Mor Trio: Andalujazz

Original jazz influenced by a wide variety of styles, as well as new, modern arrangements of classical Andalusian pieces. This is the music on which the piyyutim of North African Jewry have been based since the 15th century.
Omri Mor, piano / Gilad Abro, bass / Noam David, drums
and guest musician


King George St. 44

Near Tel Aviv-New York: Omri Mor Trio: Andalujazz

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