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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot 2011 at Beit Avi Chai: Story Hour and Workshops

Sukkot 2011 at Beit Avi Chai: Story Hour and Workshops at 16.10.2011

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Sunday oct 16th

Beit Avi Chai presents Sukkot Events for the Whole Family.

Family events:

~ Sunday, October 16-Tuesday, October 18

Model sukkot exhibition * creative workshops * story hour * quiz * games and lots of surprises in the courtyard *
BEIT AVI CHAI invites you to take part in fun and creative events for the whole family during the intermediate days of Sukkot

Activities with an admission charge:

Story hours for children ages 3 to 6:
- The Giving Tree: What can we ask nature to give us?
- The tale of Choni the Circle-Drawer: How do we ask for rain?
- "The Fisherman and his Wife": What is better, a dilapidated hut or a palace?

Creative workshops:
- Making musical instruments and a concert with the children's participation (for ages 5 to 7)
- Making an animated clip (for ages 7 and up)

Story hour/workshop: NIS 30 / Two tickets: NIS 50
Four tickets: NIS 90 / Three tickets for Yerushalmi-card owners: NIS 60 / Parent/chaperone (above age 14): no charge

For full details of activities, see the BEIT AVI CHAI website and the BEIT AVI CHAI Facebook page.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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