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Events in Jerusalem

Yom Hazikaron Events in Jerusalem: Remembering, Singing, and Storytelling

Yom Hazikaron Events in Jerusalem: Remembering, Singing, and Storytelling at 08.05.2011

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Sunday may 8th

Events for the Evening of Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day)

Remembering, Singing, and Storytelling

Sultan's Pool, 20:00

Memorial to victims of terror. Featured artists: Barry Sakharov, David Broza, Idan Emde, Shuli Rand, Shlomo Gronich, Michael Adler, Yishai Lapidot and other singers.

Entrance fee. For tickets, call 02-6237000. Tickets available at Sultan's Pool on night of show.


Outside the walls of the Old City


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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