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Events in Jerusalem

Kicking Off the Month at Beit Avi Chai: Nissan 5771

Kicking Off the Month at Beit Avi Chai: Nissan 5771 at 05.04.2011

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Tuesday apr 5th

Beit Avi Chai presents Kicking Off the Month--Nissan: Waiting for the Messiah

~Tuesday, April 5, 8:30 PM

At the start of the month of redemption, we will find out who is afraid of the Messiah, what we are supposed to be redeemed from, and how we have been living in the shadows of anticipation of the Messiah for thousands of years.

Moderator: Prof. Avigdor Shinan

Binyamin Zaddkah, director of the Alef-Bet Institute for Samaritan Studies in Holon - "Tahev" - on the Messiah in the Samaritan tradition
Prof. Yisrael Yuval, Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Is belief in Messiah rational?
Sing along with Gila Hasid and Uzi Rosenblitt

Admission free, but subject to available space
Tickets available on the day of the event, starting at 7:30 PM


This is a Hebrew-language only event


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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