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Events in Jerusalem

Monday Night Madness: Culture, Food, and Friends (Winter 2013)

at 21.01.2013

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Monday jan 21st

The Youth Authority of the Jerusalem Municipality presents the second annual "Monday Night Madness": a series of wintery cultural events in the streets of Jerusalem's city center.

The lineup of events includes video screenings on buildings, live music, master classes in pubs and jam sessions at music stores, street theater, classes and tours led by the Yeshiva Hahilonit, chef workshops, parties, exhibits and more!

Thousands of people participate each week and transform the streets of Jerusalem into a vibrant cultural space.

January 21: Hachavatzelet St.

January 28: Nachalat Shiva

February 4: Shlomtzion Hamalka

February 11: Hillel and Shamai Streets

For more information and the full program for each week (in Hebrew) visit the official website at


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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