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Events in Jerusalem

Kicking Off the Month at Beit Avi Chai: Tevet 5771

Kicking Off the Month at Beit Avi Chai: Tevet 5771 at 07.12.2010

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Tuesday dec 7th

Beit Avi Chai presents Kicking Off the Month--Tevet: Rationalism Versus Mysticism

• Tuesday, December 7, 8 PM

Tevet is the month of the passing of Maimonides, and centuries later, of the passing of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, author of the Tanya. The two schools of thought span the breadth of Jewish philosophy, from rationalism to mysticism, from the hidden to the revealed.

Moderator: Prof. Avigdor Shinan

With: Prof. Rachel Elior: "The Unity of Opposites: Rationalism and Mysticism According to the Founders of Chabad"

Dr. Meir Buzaglo: "Maimonides and the Study of Kabbalah: Notes and Comments"

Sing-along with Nadav Vikinski

Admission is free, but subject to available space.

This is a Hebrew-language only event


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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