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Events in Jerusalem

Kicking Off the Month at Beit Avi Chai: Kislev 5771

Kicking Off the Month at Beit Avi Chai: Kislev 5771 at 07.11.2010

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Sunday nov 7th

Beit Avi Chai presents Kicking Off the Month--Kislev: Just Add Oil

• Sunday, November 7, 8:30 PM

A plethora of Hanukkiyot glow this month from every window, reminding us of the Golden Menorah that stood in the Holy Temple. What is the role of the menorah in the Jewish culture? What did it symbolize in the past? And how did it become the undisputed symbol of the Jewish people?

Moderator: Prof. Avigdor Shinan

With: Prof. Zeev Weiss, Hebrew University: "The Seven-Branched Menorah in the Temple and in Ancient Jewish Art"

Dr. Haya Friedberg, Emunah College, Jerusalem: "Temple, Freedom, and Crisis: The Menorah and the Hanukkiya in Contemporary Art"

Sing-along with Yossi Lev.

Admission is free, but subject to available space.

This is a Hebrew-language only event


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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