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Events in Jerusalem

Beit Avi Chai Presents Agenda

at 24.07.2011

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Sunday jul 24th

Encounters with thinkers and doers on burning and painful topics, with: journalist Dana Weiss, Rabbi Dr. Benny Lau, and other lecturers.

Every day, Israeli society deals with fundamental issues that stem from the existence of a Jewish sovereign state, including justice, equality, and mutual responsibility. These issues have been central to Jewish leaders and philosophers throughout history.

Part 5: Is there a Prophet in Our Midst?
Who highlights the need to rectify social injustice nowadays? Who effects change and ethical reforms in our midst-journalists? Intellectuals? Rabbis? What are their true abilities and to what extent do they influence and motivate Israeli society? This session addresses the existing tools for reforming Israeli society.


Admission is free, but subject to available space, tickets available on the day of the event, starting at 19:30 PM.

The complete program will be printed in newspapers and posted on the BEIT AVI CHAI website shortly before the date of the event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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