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Events in Jerusalem

Beit Avi Chai Presents Tammuz: Ode to the Sea

at 03.07.2011

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Sunday jul 3rd

Kicking off the Month, Sunday July 3, 20:00


The Mediterranean Sea has always been a source of inspiration to the nations living on its beaches, the People of Israel included.  A night about the sea, its secrets, and its significance


Host: Prof. Avigdor Shinan

Dr. Shmulik Duvdevani, Ynet, and the Department of Cinema and Television in Tel Aviv University - From a negation of exile to a culture of idleness- a summary of the sea's history in Israeli cinema

Dr. Ruhama Weiss, Talmudic scholar: the Mythological War with the Sea Goddess: Talmudic Legend


Public sing-along with Gila Hassid and Uzi Rosenblat

Admission free, but subject to available space. Tickets available starting 19:00


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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