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Events in Jerusalem

Songs of Pain: Israeli Protest Songs

at 22.03.2011

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Tuesday mar 22nd

Beit Avi Chai presents "Songs of Pain" Israeli protest songs.

Is there such a thing as an Israeli protest song? Who is their target and when does the protest come to life? Encounters with poets, singers, and writers whose works contain cries of protest.

Series organizers: Shlomi Bem-Atar and Amir Segal

Part 1: Chorus of the Workers / Slaves

Wednesday, February 2, 9 PM

Israel 2010 is a thriving, developed country, but also an exploitative, oppressive, and unjust one. Through protest poems, we will try to discover what is happening in the Israeli labor market's backyard and hear the cries of anguish coming from there. With: Poet Yudit Shahar / Poet Mati Shemoelof / Singer Amir Lev

Session #2: Millions of People by Themselves

Tuesday, March 22, 9:00PM

The city is the center of modern life, but also a place of alienation, where many find themselves alone among the multitudes. Join us for a discussion about urban loneliness and alienation through the works of poets, authors, and musicians.

Eran Tzur, vocalist and composer
Eran Hadass, a poet who works in Hi-tech
Sigal Ben Yair, poet

Admission: NIS 30; students: NIS 20, The event will take place in P7.


King George St. 44


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