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Events in Jerusalem

Meal Tests

at 25.10.2010

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Monday oct 25th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Meal Tests": Meals as occasions for conflict and compassion.

A Talmudist, a psychologist, a cleric, and a culture scholar discuss the meal as a cultural and family event, following the publication of Dr. Ruchama Weiss's book Okhlim Lada'at (Meal Tests: The Meal in the World of the Sages).

Sherry Ansky, scholar of food culture-on the laws of kashrut as constitutive of covenant and separation in Jewish meals
Avner HaCohen, psychologist-on the tension and compassion surrounding the family dinner table
Dr. Martin Vahrenhorst, clergyman and New Testament scholar-on the Last Supper and the ritual eating of the host
Dr. Ruchama Weiss, author of the book and a scholar of Talmud and culture

Admission free, but subject to available space

The event is in conjunction with the Kibbutz Hameuchad publishing house.

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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