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Events in Jerusalem

The Zionist Challenge over the Generations

The Zionist Challenge over the Generations at 04.11.2010

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Thursday nov 4th

Beit Avi Chai presents a lecture series: The Zionist Challenge over the Generations -- Israeli Existence: Past, Present, and Future.

The Israel-Diaspora relationship, the existence of Israel in the face of the Palestinian-Arab situation, the relationship between Jews and Arabs-these major issues concern us just as they did the founders of Zionism over a century ago. Newspaper headlines may give the impression that we invented the wheel, but in fact, the existential questions of Judaism and Zionism have resonated throughout the land for a long time-some would say from time immemorial. What can we learn from past experience and existing ways of thinking? Can elements of any of the tools developed in the past be useful to us today?

A series of meetings with scholars, thinkers and doers, and shapers of public opinion about Zionism and the existence of the Jewish people.

Organizer and moderator: Dr. Alon Gan, head of the Department of History, Kibbutzim College of Education

Part 1: Jew, Hebrew, and Jew Again?
Muki Tzur, former secretary of the United Kibbutz Movement, scholar, author, and philosopher
Brig. Gen. Rabbi Rafi Peretz, Chief Rabbi of the IDF
• Thursday, November 4, 8:30 PM

Part 2: Who Is a Zionist? Means to Zionist Fulfillment
• Thursday, November 11, 8:30 PM
Bambi Sheleg, journalist and essayist, editor of Eretz Acheret magazine
Eldad Yaniv, attorney, political consultant, and one of the founders of the Nationalist Left movement

Part 3: Brothers across the Ocean: Israel's Relationship with the Diaspora
• Thursday, November 18, 8:30 PM
Avraham Burg, former chair of the Jewish Agency and Speaker of the Knesset
Prof. Gabi Sheffer, Hebrew University and Van Leer Institute

Part 4: Must the Sword Devour Forever?
• Thursday, November 25, 8:30 PM
MK Benny Begin, minister and member of the political-security cabinet
Prof. Shlomo Ben-Ami, former foreign minister, diplomat, and historian

Admission is free, but subject to available space.

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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