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Events in Jerusalem

For Whom Shall I Weep?

For Whom Shall I Weep? at 13.07.2010

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Tuesday jul 13th

Beit Avi Chai presents "For Whom Shall I Weep?": A pre-Tisha Be'av evening of lamentation, thoughts, and intentions

Three soul singers and two ney players play ancient and new lamentations together.

With them are poet Rivka Miriam and artist Kobi Oz to discuss the many facets of Tisha Be'av today.

Moderator: Dr. Meir Buzaglo


Lea Avraham, Esti Kenan, and Victoria Hanna, vocals

Itamar Shahar and Yitzhak Ventura, Turkish ney

Musician and author Kobi Oz and poet Rivka Miriam

Organizer and musical director: Yair Harel

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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