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Events in Jerusalem

The Human Image Shavuot night at Beit Avi Chai

The Human Image Shavuot night at Beit Avi Chai at 18.05.2010

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Tuesday may 18th

Beit Avi Chai presents "The Human Image": Shavuot night at Beit Avi Chai.

A fascinating interdisciplinary evening about Adam, and of course Eve, from many different perspectives: Dust and ashes or the pinnacle of creation? Servant of God or a being with freedom of choice? And as a general question, is human nature good or bad? Join us for Beit Avi Chai's annual night of study sessions, as we explore the human image as reflected in the Bible, in Midrash, in philosophy, in science, in history, in law, in medicine, and in halakhah.

Participants include the paytan Roni Ish-Ran, Ela Arazi, Bilha Ben-Eliyahu, Dr. Meir Buzaglo, Judge Dvora Berliner (president of Tel Aviv District Court), Moti Bar-Or (director of Kolot), Rabbi Tamar Duvdevani, Prof. Jonathan Halevy (director general of Shaare Zedek Medical Center), Efrat Tannenbaum, Shira Carmel, poet Agi Mishol, Rabbi Jeremy Stavitsky, Dr. Yitzhak Skorokhod, poet Amit Assis, Eli Pitcovski, Prof. Avigdor Shinan, Tal Shaked, and actor Doron Tavori.

*A detailed program will be printed in newspapers and posted on the Beit Avi Chai website shortly before the event.

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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