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Events in Jerusalem

Spirit Constructions - Israel Hadany: the Quest for the Sacred

Spirit Constructions - Israel Hadany: the Quest for the Sacred at 09.05.2010

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Sunday may 9th

"Spirit Constructions - Israel Hadany: the Quest for the Sacred" is the new exhibit on display at Beit Avi Chai.

An exhibition in which sculpture and architecture meet in wooden structures that seek to create formal definitions of sacred space.

The concept of beauty in these sculpted structures combines the Western aesthetic tradition with traces of other cultures to create a sense of universal spirituality.
Based on his travels to cultures in the West and East, and on the study of sacred buildings, Hadany creates monumental and intimate sculptures that are a cross between temples, containers, and physical spaces and produce a delicate, elevated aesthetic experience.

Curator: Gideon Ofrat

The exhibition will open to the public on Sunday, May 9th.

The exhibition catalog may be purchased at the Beit Avi Chai box office.

Open Hours



King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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