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Events in Jerusalem

Soil-Shavuot Night at Beit Avi Chai

Soil-Shavuot Night at Beit Avi Chai at 07.06.2011

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Tuesday jun 7th

On Tuesday, June 7 from 23:00-04:00, Beit Avi Chai hosts a unique interdisciplinary evening about the soil as a source of creation and as a basis of ethical existence. Has the concept of soil metamorphosed from an existential, eternal value into a matter of economic class? 


Come for all-night study sessions about the creation of man, the precepts associated with the Land of Israel, the place of the soil in the Zionist ethos, and more.


This rich all-night program includes lectures, workshops, a beit midrash, a public sing-along, a collection of pictures, and skits.

Dr. Akiva Offenbacher, Prof. Moshe Idel, Ela Arazi, Bilha Ben Eliyahu, Rabbi Yoel Bin-Nun, Rabbi Tamar Duvdevani, Teva Ivri, Hadas Yellinek, Malka Puterkovski, Muki Tzur, Einat Kremer, Dr. Natan Shahar, the Kalabbat Shabbat troupe, Iddo Gotthold, Guy Raz, Ronit Ophir

A unique program for students with Ruach Chadasha, led by Yair Lehman and Inbal Lori ("Slaughtering the Cow"), with a cappella accompaniment by the Ohel ensemble.

For additional details, see the BEIT AVI CHAI and Ruach Chadasha websites.

The complete program will be printed in newspapers and posted on the BEIT AVI CHAI website shortly before the date of the event.

Admission is free, but subject to available space.


King George St. 44


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