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Events in Jerusalem

Poetry and Immigration

Poetry and Immigration at 09.03.2011

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Wednesday mar 9th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Poetry and Immigration":

Poet Yossi Alfi hosts poets Amira Hess and Almog Behar

~Wednesday, March 9, 8:00 PM

Immigration tears people out of their familiar world and connects them to a new world. The immigration process has characterized Israel for more than a century and often finds its way into the works of authors and poets from all across the spectrum. This is true for Israeli-born artists as well as second- and third-generation immigrants.

This evening of dialogue among poets about the shared language of immigrants and about their contribution to forming the Israeli character will bring you an experience from far-flung places that are so close to each and every one of us.

Guest Artist: Yair Dalal

Admission: NIS 40, students: NIS 20

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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