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Events in Jerusalem

Memory in the Making: An event marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Memory in the Making: An event marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day at 27.01.2011

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Thursday jan 27th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Memory in the Making": An event marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Can art become the keeper of Holocaust memories?

Beit Avi Chai, in collaboration with the San Diego Jewish Center, presents a simultaneous trans-Atlantic interactive event.

During the event the audience will be presented with musical and artistic works dealing with Holocaust remembrance.

Prof. Yehuda Bauer, historian and scholar of the Holocaust, academic advisor to Yad Vashem, will speak on: Real and Imagined Memories.

The Tel-Aviv Soloists Ensemble will perform pieces composed by Gideon Klein, a Czech pianist and composer, who took an active part in the cultural life of Theresienstadt concentration camp.

Halev Ve`Hamaayan (The Heart and the Wellspring) - New interpretations to Western European Jewish music.

The Kol Rina Choir - Mid- and west-European hazzanut (cantorial performance).

Host: Haim Etgar



King George St. 44


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