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Events in Jerusalem

Kicking Off the Weekend

Kicking Off the Weekend at 04.06.2010

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Friday jun 4th

Beit Avi Chai and SPNI present a unique summer package:


Every Friday, a fascinating tour with SPNI tourguides in one of Jerusalem's enchanted neighborhoods, followed by Beit Avi Chai's renowned Kalabbat Shabbat show (the sixth consecutive season) - members of the Incubator and Jacky Levy with skits, songs, and satire on the weekly portion.



10:30 Leave for tour from Beit Avi Chai (free parking at the Beit Avi Chai parking lot)

12:00 Return to Beit Avi Chai

13:00 Kalabbat Shabbat

*Option to order a light meal at the Beit Avi Chai cafeteria


Tour List:

June 4: "Rehavia - The Stronghold of Jerusalem Intellectuals" with Tzvi Hilman

June 11: "Agron Street - The International Street" with Rafi Kfir

June 18: "In the Footsteps of the Etzel and Lechi Underground Fighters in Talbieh" with Tzvi Hilman

June 25: "The Jerusalem Triangle" with Yair Meron

July 2: "People and Structures in Jerusalem" with Yossi Landau

July 9: "The Chareidi Shtetl in the Center of Jerusalem" with Rafi Kfir

July 16: "Agron Street - The International Street" with Rafi Kfir

July 23: "The Chareidi Shtetl in the Center of Jerusalem" with Rafi Kfir

July 30: "The Public Sector, Wonder Cars, and Aesthetics" with Yossi Landau


The tours will leave from Beit Avi Chai, King George Street 44, Jerusalem.


Registration at Sustainable Jerusalem, call 02-625-2357


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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