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Events in Jerusalem

Here and Now

Here and Now at 31.05.2010

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Monday may 31st

Beit Avi Chai presents "Here and Now": On the concept of now in Israeli culture.

The poetry journal Achshav, which has published hundreds of poems by the best Israeli poets, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. This joint event, organized by Achshav and BEIT AVI CHAI, is a tribute to Hebrew poetry since the establishment of the state.

Panel discussion: The concept of now in universalist Judaism and contemporary Israel

Prof. Gabriel Moked, editor of Achshav since its inception
Author Aharon Appelfeld
Poet Elhanan Nir

Reading poetry in the rhythm of the times
Four generations of poets read some of their own works and those of other poets. The event will also include works by Israeli poets set to music.

With the poets Israel Eliraz, Harold Schimmel, Menahem Ben, Maya Bejerano, Ilana Yoffe, Arik Aleph, Yehuda Vizan, Oded Carmeli, and Elhanan Nir, who will read their own works and those of Yehuda Amichai, David Avidan, Nathan Zach, Yona Wallach, Dalia Hertz, Meir Wieseltier, Aharon Shabtai, Dalia Ravikovitch, and Yair Hurvitz

Host: Emanuella Amichai

Organizers: Prof. Gabriel Moked and Baruch Chefetz (founding publisher and editor of the journal)

Coordinator of Achshav events: Nurit El-Ofer

During the event Rami Harel and Emanuella Amichai will perform works by Israeli poets set to music.

In conjunction with the journal Achshav


King George St. 44


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