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Jerusalem restaurants category

Chakra Restaurant

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An easy way to apply a veneer of secondhand cool to anything in Israel, and to attract the crowd of hip, upwardly mobile, post-year-in-the-Far-East young people, is to give it a name associated with Indian culture. So we've been given Chakra, a trendy bar/restaurant once housed on the equally trendy Shlomtzion Hamalka Street and now in new location below Cup O' joe and overlooking Independence park. A chakra is, of course, an Indian yoga concept of one of several spiritual centers in the body.


What an esoteric religious concept has to do with a well-stocked bar, international fusion cuisine and seafood (the de rigueur mark of culinary cool in Israel) remains something of a mystery. But it's a nice restaurant, invitingly lit and dominated by a crystal chandelier, overflowing with dozens of varieties of wines and liquors. The dishes themselves, hailing from just about every corner of the world, tend to be simple and hearty, rich in local flavors and ingredients – despite their international pedigree.

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