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Events in Jerusalem

Haim Uliel and Sfatayim (Saturday Nights)

at 03.04.2010

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Saturday apr 3rd

Beit Avi Chai's Saturday night music line, directed by Shaanan Street, presents:

Line-up for Nissan: Eat, Drink and Be Merry


An original Moroccan line-up in honor of the Mimouna festival
Each concert will include a song by Jo Amar, in honor of this great artist, who passed away this year.

Haim Uliel and Sfatayim

• Saturday, April 3, 10:30 PM

Haim Uliel and the Sfatayim band in a stirring performance. In addition to the band's hits, including "Mama," "Ahlan wa-Sahlan," and "Lala Fatima," they will perform songs from Uliel's solo albums ("Tni Li Lalekhet," "At Holekhet Levad Akhshav") and from his soon-to-be-released fourth solo album.
Yaniv Ohana, drums / Eli Uliel, percussion / Or Uliel, bass guitar / Elad Idan, keyboards / Shimon Amar, violin
Haim Uliel, guitar and vocals
* Standing room only


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Haim Uliel and Sfatayim (Saturday Nights)

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